A Fun Old School Cha Cha Cha Combination For Your Repertoire.

This combination was taught at the 1962 Chicago National Association of Dancing Masters Ballroom Workshop by Grace Hanson. The combination is entirely socially leadable and features a side by side open box and concludes with a open walk and underarm turns for both follower and leader.
* This combination requires leaders to change timing twice and therefor is recommended for the experienced dancer.

Notice the timing of 1, 2, 3&4 in the basic description.

In the image above you may have noticed the basic step timing is described as 1, 2, 3 & 4. Such timing was occasionally taught for one of several reasons.

  1. Some songs of the time did have that Cha Cha Cha timing, especially those written by American recording artists (one such example is Sam Cooke).
  2. This was often used as a beginner count since it started on the first beat and utilized timing that was familiar to many Americans who danced Lindy Hop. Later the students would be taught to shift to 2, 3, 4 & 1 timing after acclimating to the cadence and music.
  3. Some texts are written is step timing and not musical timing, thus the counting would be then applied to the appropriate musical timing. This method is still taught as step count timing to instructors today as one method of teaching.
Above is combination 4, which is featured in the video breakdown.
This is the 1959 album recommended to practice to in the above text.
Another Edmundo Ros Cha Cha Cha album which you can add to your spotify playlists.

2 Replies to “A Fun Old School Cha Cha Cha Combination For Your Repertoire.”

  1. Nick Perez says:

    Love the Cha-Cha open box step above! Will try it tonight at my favorite dance spot, Atlanta’s 57th Fighter Group.

    • It’s a great step that’s different, but also simple enough to lead on an experienced dancer socially. I have a few other fun ones that I think I’ll share soon as well.

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